A First Step…

”You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Hello, and Welcome!

Getting this far was is the hard part, believe or not!

You may not realize it, but one of the hardest parts is already done - you’ve decided to stop here and start reading. Even getting this far is a significant step in the process of self discovery, as many people don’t even get this far - I certainly didn’t until I was in my early forties.

The journey to understanding that we have issues that need fixing, and that we, through our actions caused harm to the people around us, whether intentionally or not, and that we have the power, responsibility, and the duty to change who we are is a hard one.

But,… you are not alone - quite literally, every single person that has ever lived is on that same journey with you, but far more than most, you are ahead of the game, because you have decided to do something about it.


Be aware, that I’m not a doctor, therapist, or any sort of professional - I’m just a guy on the same path as you.

What you do with the information provided here, how you use it, and how much you trust it, is up to you. As with anything you find on the web - verify everything you read, trust the real pros (like your medical doctors, therapists, and other practitioners in your life) first and foremost.

So, with that out of the way, welcome to the next step!

Here, we will take the next few steps down the path to change who you are so that you can alter your behavior and make different choices in the future. You have the power to decide who you are and who you will become, every day for the rest of your life, and if you choose to be a better person, goal of this digital garden is to help make that happen.

It won’t be easy, and it won’t happen quickly, but it can and will happen if you apply yourself, think about your decisions, and keep at it day by day.

The first aspect of your journey will inevitably be looking inward - cultivating a sense of Self-Awareness.

Helpful Tools


Looking for something specific? I’ve made the site full-text searchable! Go to the Search Box at the top or hit Command (Mac) / Control (Win) + K to find what you’re looking for!

Dark Mode

If you’re like me, and prone to wanting things a quite bit less bright on your device, the whole site supports a dark mode natively. Just hit the sun/moon icon up at the top to turn off/on the lights.


Many pages have tags placed on them to categorize them based on the kind of content they contain, including videos, files, questions, and so on. An index of these tags in located here. infowarningexamplepublish