The Cliché Failures of Apologizing

"I am sorry for those that disagree with me because I know that they are wrong."

~ Woodrow Wilson

There are many ways in which to fail to apologize well, however, some are so common as to be outright clichés. These particular failures are traps that almost everyone has fallen into at one time are another, as they are easy and often made with the best of intentions - that’s why that happen so often.

The below categories of failed apologies can be further broken down into how they fail and many of them overlap, and can be examined in detail as to why they fail, but for now, try to get a general idea as why they leave the recipient of the apology wanting for more in the end.

The Unaccountable

The Impersonal

The Conditional

The Backhand

The Non-Specific

The Self-Centered

The Insincere

The Deflection

The Minimizer